Las personas que habitan en mi

A KALTBLUT exclusive editorial. Photography by David Cardona. Model is Artis Leonar. Styling by Rodrigo Falero & Artis Leonar. Make up & Hairstyling by Berta Rodenas. Graphic design by Mikel Calo. 3D art by Aira Sans. Text by Xeii Möri.

Hemos comprado y asimilado la idea que somos uniques y singulares, y sí, cada une de nosotres es la esencia única de nuestra existencia.
Pero a veces se nos olvida la pluralidad intrínseca a esa singularidad. Se nos olvida todo aquello que nos forma y acompaña y que transmuta nuestra existencia a lo largo del tiempo y en cada momento.
Cuando le conocí rápidamente me dejé embriagar por su luz, por su carisma, por su esencia. Los franceses dirían su “je-ne-sais-quois”. Yo siento no ser tan letrada y ser, en cambio, muy
folclórica, pero para mi diría, citando a una gran artista, fue el brillo de los ojos. Unos ojos claros tan singulares como plurales. Juguetones y divertidos, desenfadados, infantiles, soñadores.
La capacidad (o más bien el don) para conectar con le niñe interior y entregarse a ello de pleno es un tesoro. Y más si ese tesoro es compartido. Yo sí atesoro las tardes y noches que compartimos en las que esa conexión era tan fuerte que parecíamos dos críes entre las sábanas de una improvisada tienda de campaña en el salón, usando el maquillaje a escondidas e intentando no hacer ruido para no despertar a nadie.
Y esa infancia, que ahora te forma (y nos forma) forma parte de esta pluralidad. Al igual que tus miedos. Esos monstruos que creaste para abrazar en los momentos tan oscuros en los que decidiste alejarte de todo. Esos monstruos que aprendiste a querer y a abrazar. Esos monstruos que a veces se atesoraron de ti impidiéndome verte. Aquellos que también yo tuve que aprender a querer para poder aprender a quererte.
Nos vimos conocidas, nos vimos compañeras, nos vimos amigas.
Nos vemos madres, nos vemos hijas, nos vemos hermanas.
Tantas emociones que se suman y aglutinan en un compendio indescriptible de la esencia de la fé que nos profesamos.
Y desde el humilde lugar que es el fondo de mi corazón y mi alma, entre sollozos alegres y risas amargas, y con el amor de la más pura inocencia, te veo y te reconozco como quien eres para mi, pero más importante aún, como quien eres para tí misme. Dueña de la pluralidad que te forma, con tus luces y tus sombras, con tu deseo y tu ira, con tu dolor y con tu sonrisa.
Simplemente tu.

We have bought and assimilated the idea that we are unique and singular, and yes, each one of us is the unique essence of our existence. But sometimes we forget the plurality intrinsic to that singularity. We forget everything that forms and accompanies us and that transmutes our existence over time and at every moment.
When I met him, I quickly let myself be intoxicated by his light, by his charisma, by his essence. The French would say their “je-ne-sais-quois”. I am sorry that I am not so literate and that, on the other hand, I am very folkloric, but for me I would say, quoting a great artist, it was the sparkle in her eyes. Clear eyes are as singular as they are plural. Playful and fun, carefree, childish, dreamy.
The ability (or rather the gift) to connect with the inner child and give yourself fully to it is a treasure. And more if that treasure is shared. I do treasure the afternoons and nights we shared in which that connection was so strong that we looked like two kids between the sheets of a makeshift tent in the living room, secretly using makeup and trying not to make noise so as not to wake anyone.
And that childhood, which now shapes you (and shapes us) is part of this plurality. Like your fears. Those monsters you created to embrace in those dark moments when you decided to get away from everything. Those monsters that you learned to love and embrace. Those monsters that sometimes hoarded you prevented me from seeing you. Those that I also had to learn to love in order to learn to love you.
We saw ourselves as acquaintances, we saw ourselves as companions, we saw ourselves as friends.
See you, mothers, see you, daughters, see you sisters. So many emotions add up and come together in an indescribable compendium of the essence of the faith that we profess.
And from the humble place that is the bottom of my heart and my soul, between happy sobs and bitter laughter, and with the love of the purest innocence, I see you and I recognize you as who you are to me, but more importantly, as who you are to yourself Owner of the plurality that forms you, with your lights and your shadows, with your desire and your anger, with your pain and with your smile.
Simply you.

Art direction by Artis Leonar / Instagram: @artisleonar & David Cardona / Instagram: @dacefer
Photography by David Cardona / Instagram: @dacefer
Model is Artis Leonar / Instagram: @artisleonar
Text by Xeii Möri / Instagram: @patriharcada
Styling by Rodrigo Falero / Instagram: @rodrigo_falero & Artis Leonar / Instagram: @artisleonar
Make up & Hairstyling by Berta Rodenas / Instagram: @makeup.rode
Graphic design by Mikel Calo / Instagram: @mikelloggs
3D art by Aira Sans / Instagram: @airasans_