MEATCHIP is an eclectic monthly playlist started by the Berlin-based music and nacho appreciation collective of the same name and now curated solo by Marcia Arff. 2018 marks the fifth year of MTCHP and December – the last playlist of the year. For some, it was a season of all things festive, for others a season of bleakness, and for most of us, it was a mixture of both. Amongst the swirl and strings of lights, there was some desolation, some gloom, and some substantial pressure and drama. With all of these mixed feels in mind last month’s playlist featured the moody tones of Oneohtrix Point Never + Ryuichi Sakamoto, ADULT., Violet Eves, HTRK, Allan Kingdom, and the eternally underrated Tzusing (to name just a few). On the brighter side, we had Leikeli47 (who should honestly be on any playlist from now on) as well as the instant classic “I Don’t Care Pt. 1” by Goat Girl that represents our new 2019 forever mood. Follow Marcia and check back at the end of this month for your January MEATCHIP fix.