
A KALTBLUT exclusive. 
Photography by Akvile Sileikaite. The models are der/die/sein/er and Michel. Makeup and Hair by Marc Moser. Styling by Tosca Styling using der/die/sein/er. Metanoia – gr. Metanoein – change one’s mind. “…they thought it will be a simulation, they thought it will be artificial, they did not think it will change everyone’s mind…”

Photography by Akvile Sileikaite / / Instagram @akvilesileikaite

Styling by Tosca Styling / Instagram @tosca_styling

Makeup and Hair by Marc Moser / / Instagram @m_mstyle

Models: der/die/sein/er // Instagram @der_die_sein_er
and Michel / Instagram @michel_briand

Fashion by der/die/sein/er // / Instagram @der_die_sein_er