seefashion23 – Graduate Fashion Show

Kilian Landwehr
David Quas

seefashion23: Igniting the Imagination of Fashion’s Future – Berlin, Germany – In a celebration of a visionary design, weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin’s Fashion Design Department unveiled an extraordinary showcase of talent at the highly anticipated fashion event of the year – seefashion23. As the grand finale of the 2022-23 University year, this spectacular fashion show took place at the illustrious Culterim Galerie on Brunnenstraße 107, leaving attendees in awe of the Bachelor and Master graduate collections. Runway photos © KOWA-Berlin

Cissel Dubbick
Emily Fuhrmann
Greta Linkogel
Helena Belenguer

At the heart of seefashion23 lies an exploration of the graduates’ diverse design perspectives, each collection acting as a masterful canvas for their imaginative visions. From conceptual brilliance to analytical prowess, these designers wove captivating narratives through their creations, integrating social, ecological, and historical considerations while venturing fearlessly into the realms of experimental artistry. It is within these dynamic boundaries that they reflect upon their roles and attitudes as designers, actively engaging with the world around them.

In a testament to the evolving nature of fashion, seefashion23 broke free from the confines of traditional concepts, offering an innovative blend of classic sophistication and boundary-pushing projects. The graduate designers fearlessly explored the edges of fashion, expanding its borders and introducing fresh perspectives that left an indelible mark on the audience.

Laura Gerte
Laura Luehrmann
Laura Obst
Louis Grau
Margarita Volkov

The Culterim Galerie was set ablaze with creative energy as the stage transformed into a dynamic tapestry of fashion’s future. Each collection told a story – a testament to the graduates’ unique voices and unwavering dedication to pushing the envelope of style. Through their craft, these aspiring designers revealed not only their remarkable expertise but also an unwavering commitment to redefining the industry.

seefashion23, more than a mere display of fashion, captivated the audience with its innovative spirit and unrelenting pursuit of cutting-edge design. The event served as a melting pot of creative minds, bringing together fashion enthusiasts, industry insiders, and cultural connoisseurs to witness an electrifying spectacle that will resonate for years to come.

Nastassia Volkus
Natascha Domino
Nele Westerkowsky
Sabina Schimanowski
Stefanie Christy
Surya Pohly
Theresa Grünfelder
Victoria Rost_

Helena Belenguer @helhels_
Stefanie Christy @stefaniechristy
Natascha Domino @lorem___ipsum
Cissel Dubbick @cissel_d
Emily Fuhrmann @postapocalyptic_ballerina
Laura Gerte @laura_gerte
Louis Grau @_siuoltoxins
Theresa Grünfelder @theresa.gruenfelder
Isabella Johner @isabellajohner
Kilian Landwehr @kilianlandwehr
Greta Linkogel ​@gretalinkogel
Laura Lührmann @lauraluehrmann
Laura Obst @laura__obst
Surya Pohly @surya_pohly
David Quast @__quast__
Victoria Rost @victoriarost_
Sabina Schimanowski @freshandjuicy93
Emilia Seitz @emilia_mariemargarethe
Margarita Volkow @margouxa
Nastassia Volkus @nastassiavolkus
Nele Westerkowsky @nele_westerkowsky