A KALTBLUT exclusive. Creative Direction by Stijn Koks. The director is Jeroen Kooistra. The production company is Underscore. The producer is Willem Beelaerts van Blokland. The models are Carlos Kok, Megan Irusta Cornet,
Kristján Steinn Kristjánsson and Coosje Froentjes. Lookbook photography by Jelle Koiter.
After internships with designers such as Walter van Beirendonck and Henrik Vibskov, Stijn Koks launches his label.
With bold kitsch references and sharp irony, Koks challenges the constraints of adulthood in his debut collection, ‘Knights of Nostalgia’. The collection invites a playful reimagining of identity, featuring models as life-sized action figures.
Using repurposed materials and readymades, it evokes childhood wonder while blending nostalgia with contemporary design. Exploring the tension between adult responsibility and youthful imagination, the collection offers a fresh, thought-provoking perspective. The accompanying film, directed by Jeroen Kooistra, offers a first glimpse into Koks’ distinctive universe.
Director: Jeroen Kooistra @chiquedufreak
Creative Director: Stijn Koks @stijnkoks
Production company: Underscore @underscorefilm
Producer: Willem Beelaerts van Blokland @willembvb
D.O.P.: Boyd Bakema @boyd_bakema
1st AC: Tom Selbeck @tom_selbeck
Steadicam: Jaron Joosten @jaronjoosten
Gaffer: Boris Peters @borisspeters
Bestboy: Lennert Roijackers @lennertroijackers
Styling assistant: Sophie Koks @sophiekoks
Production assistant: Jade Kloet @antwoordopjevraagisjaad
Edit: Stan Vriend @stan.vriend
Grading: Boyd Bakema @boyd_bakema
Music: Tom Bruins @tombruins
Music mastering: Tijmen van Stekelenburg @artymamusic
Carlos Kok @carloskok
Megan Irusta Cornet @megandidwhat
Kristján Steinn Kristjánsson @kristjan_steinn
Coosje Froentjes @coosje_froentjes
Lookbook photography:
Jelle Koiter @jellekoiter