Video Premiere: Christine and the Queens – rentrer chez moi

Christine and the Queens 2 (c) Eloïse Labarbe-Lafon

Christine and the Queens, one of my personal favorites, has just released their latest music video for the track “RENTRER CHEZ MOI,” a profound piece that connects deeply with listeners, inviting them into a beautifully vulnerable space. Premiered today, the video is a visual complement to Christine’s profound narrative through dance and song.

“RENTRER CHEZ MOI” is not only a song but a heartfelt confession and a poetic expression of intimate emotions. The video was brilliantly directed by Sasha Mongin and produced by Premier Cri, capturing scenes that unravel in Paris and Hanches, adding a layer of authentic French aesthetic to the visual storytelling.

Christine and the Queens have always had a unique approach to music and artistry, combining elements of dance, music, and poetry to communicate deep emotions and stories. As for the song itself, it was entirely written, composed, and produced by Christine, showcasing their all-encompassing artistry.

A Deep Connection to Dance

Before the video shoot, Christine immersed themselves in the essence of genuine expression by reflecting on the memories of Barbara, a figure whose influence is profound. They recollected:
“This song makes me cry because it is true, so much love I have for you, this deep decision to always stay honest – for the dance to be then the shared moment, the joyful celebration. One moment together. A wholesome surrender. One love, from one to the next, before I danced for this video, I listened to Barbara. I remember her dancing in the living room, her approach of movement a celebration, a sharing, a dance that would express the inside of you, as a poem.”

This narrative beautifully connects the performer with the audience, making each movement and each note an extension of shared human emotions and experiences.

Following the thematic and expressive triumphs of their previous projects, such as the operatic opus in 2 acts Redcar and PARANOÏA, ANGELS, TRUE LOVE, “RENTRER CHEZ MOI” continues to cement Christine and the Queens’ position as a transformative artist in modern music, merging raw emotion with high artistry to create something truly unique.

Photos @bambivader