
Introducing designer Rob Geserick – a big child, an artkid, mainly focused on men’s clothing. Born in Frankfurt (Oder), but raised in Poland, Masuria. The designer is inspired by the futuristic world, often interwoven with absurdity and grotesque. His work is characterized primarily by strong prints. Geserick’s works often refer to a colourful childhood and current pop culture. He combines elements of Dadaism with heavy architectural construction.

Memories of a forsaken homeland and the dream of returning to Berlin have become the key to creating the collection. Stories about Bodo, my father, a former Foreign Legion soldier, techno culture, the Berlin club Berghain with its brutalist, industrial architecture, street art, Eastside Gallery – these are the elements that influenced the creation of “Buntprächtigerlebensverlauf”. The long word, that serves as the title of the collection, is a reference to the characteristic word formation in the German language and means “powerfully colourful course of life.”

“In my collection, I present a mixture of different subcultures and street styles of Berlin that have captured my attention since childhood. This creates a hybrid of a punk and a boy from the Berlin ghetto/gang. The character of a gangster, a bad boy, or a rebel is a part of my fantasies, stimulating my imagination, just like the dangerous or elite spaces of Berlin. The photoshoot for the collection was carried out on the streets of Berlin, particularly in front of the Berghain club, whose aura had a strong influence on the overall collection.”

Photography by Grzegorz Blazewicz / Instagram: @grzegorz_j_blazewicz
and Lena Nowak / Instagram: @lenageserick
Models are: Grzegorz Blazewicz / Instagram: @grzegorzs_secret
Ahmed Abdu, Hafizola Kamali, Dorota Rudzinska
Designer: Rob Geserick / Instagram: @robgeserick