A KALTBLUT exclusive. “FUTUROMA” is a fashion editorial project created by the Italian photographer Elisa Mallamaci. The title is inspired by the famous cartoon “Futurama” thus the location is Rome in an imprecise futuristic age, FUTU-ROMA. A town with lonely streets dwelled by one single weird inhabitant.

Elisa Mallamaci’s language, conveyed through brutalistic aesthetics, is terrifying, mystical, gloomy, and sometimes grotesque, but full of mysterious and fascinating rage as well. A language which is able to evoque in the audience a feeling that is both of pleasure and fear; two different emotions that lead the viewer to a deep critical thinking about the human understanding of  “beauty”.

The final outcome is a photography that creates a dissonance between the disturbing side and the aestetically pleansant images, capturing the eye and the attention of the audience, who has been turning more and more “digital”, passive and distracted.

Ugly is now Beauty. Normality is not Banality anymore. 

Photography by Elisa Mallamaci Instagram: @elisamallamaci
Model is Ugo Sofia signed at Agency Instagram: @mrhug0
Make up and hair styling by Noemi Venerucci Instagram: @noemivenerucci_mua
Styling by Martina Quitadamo Instagram: @martinaquitadamo31
Photographer assistant Laura Aurizzi Instagram: @laura_aurizzi

Brands used are:
Mattia Russo @mattiarusso_ / Greta Bortolozzi @anagramofgreat / FEISEDY @feisedy / ASOS @asos