Muscle, Vein and Life

Japan based photographer Takeshi Shintou lensed Ran Taniguchi and Shohei Yamashita for this amazing photography story. Make up by Miico. Costumes by designer Chisako Tsuru. Hair by Hiroko Yanoh.140112_TRU22288140112_TRU22448140112_TRU22750 1140112_TRU22740140112_TRU22632140112_TRU22493140112_TRU22469140112_TRU22264140112_TRU22236Credits:

Phototography: Takeshi Shintou

Costume designer: Chisako Tsuru

Hair: Hiroko Yanoh

Make up: Misako Hirano

Models: Ran Taniguchi  and Shohei Yamashita