“Funhouse” delves into the multifaceted world of clowning, capturing its joyful exuberance, underlying melancholy, and eerie undertones. This …...
“The essence of “Fallen Angels” transcends mere fashion; it embodies a poignant narrative of our collective existence in …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive. “Absinthes” is a project born by Aline Estaquier and Thais Rebaudieres. The project depicts young…...
A KALTBLUT exclusive. Photography by Yihao Huang. Creative Direction by Aitian Hou. Styling by Aitian Hou. The models …...
Reverie encapsulates the ever-relevant topic of escapism. Escapism from our thoughts, the news, the speed of society and …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive. Photography by Daniela Meise. Styling by Helen Weiss. Models are Nomin Gantumur and Johanna Eßler. …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive on Fashion Fatphobia. Photography & Creative Direction by Laura Braithwaite. Landscape Photography by Isaac Kirby. …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive. Photography by Zuzu Valla. The models are Leah & Chloe Barnes and Alex Bruni. Hair …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive editorial. Photography by Martin Tournebize. The young photographer says about his shot: “I am a …...
Introducing designer Sanna Patrick. Photography by Elena Goi. The models are Malwina Szawiola and Garvin Ochieng. Make …...
Photographer Myriam Tisbo captured Matteo Porta and Niccolò Porta for a KALTBLUT exclusive editorial. Styling and Creative Direction …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive. Photography by Matan Meirson. Creative Direction & Styling by Anna Tobaly. The model is Liv …...
The Phoenix is a magnificent and immortal bird, embodying the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. It is …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive editorial. Photography by Alex Radota. The model is Anu Tumenjargal. Styling by In Yoon. Makeup …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive editorial taken from our latest issue. Photography by Weic Lin. The model is Kamilla …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive editorial. Photography by Ulrich Hartmann. The model is Cristina Mostovaya. Hair and makeup by Tobey …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive. Photography by Andrea Tota. Videography by Arunsalam Ravishankar. The model is Tabea Weyrauch. Art Direction …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive. The creative director and photographer is Nika Ilić. The model is Timotea Topić. Costume Designer, …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive editorial. Photography by Ángela Ibáñez Pérez. The models are Honel Guerrero and Lucía Vera. Make …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive. Photography by Chiara Toki. The models are Melissa Hemberger, Susanna Zohner-Nassi and Ana Palosevic. Styling …...