A KALTBLUT exclusive by Fanny Maillard is a self-taught and multifaceted creative entrepreneur from France. The model is Ibai Capot Thornary. The brands used are  Aigle, Adidas, Doc Martens, and traditional costumes from the Basque association « Etxahun elkartea ». Assistant Photographer is Alan Billi.

Fashion Designer, Stylist and Art Director for 15 years, she has recently decided to go back behind the camera to retrieve the feelings that brought her to the art world, to the very moment she got her first camera when she was 6 years old.

“Her universe is ever-evolving but in recent years she focused on mixing up fashion and documentary photography, trying to not reduce what she does to fashion and to always tell a story.”

As the person with no heritage or cultural ties that I am, I respect and admire the Basque people and their fight for keeping their culture alive. Ibai is the perfect example of what is the Basque Country for me. One step into the past, one step into the present, dancing through these worlds, always speaking with kindness and accuracy about the world we all live in. Like many others in his territory, involved in so many struggles, projects and events.

The location we choose suits him perfectly and stresses this cultural continuity. Birthplace of a Basque a writer who fought for his community that became a self-managed social space for young people to give them somewhere to meet, share, persist and transform their culture. Day after day I love learning more about these people and this series is an ode to who they are, an ode to every single person I have met, like Ibai; the Black Zamalzain.”

In the Basque language:

“Ondarerik eta kultura-loturarik gabeko pertsona naizenez, euskaldunekiko errespetu eta miresmen handia ditut, haien kultura bizirik mantentzeko etengabe ari direlako borrokan. Euskal Herria denaren adibide perfektua da niretzat Ibai. Urrats bat iraganean, urrats bat orainean; askotariko munduetan dantzan.

Denok bizi garen mundu honi buruz beti adeitasunez eta zehaztasunez hitz egiten. Beste asko bezala, bere lurraldean, hainbat borroka, proiektu eta gertakaritan engaiatua. Aukeratu dugun lekua oso aproposa da Ibairentzat; izan ere, leku honek gorago aipatutako jarraitutasun kulturala azpimarratzen du. Bere herriaren alde borrokatu zen euskal idazle baten sorlekua izan zena, gaur egun, zentro sozial autogestionatua bilakatu da, gazteek elkartu eta beren kultura partekatu, iraunarazi eta eraldatzeko toki bat izan dezaten. Asko gustatzen zait egunero pertsona
horiei guztiei buruz gehiago ikastea. Argazki multzo hau oda bat da ezagutu ditudan pertsona guztiei, haietan Ibairi. Zamalzain beltza”

Photography, story and styling by Fanny Maillard / /
Instagram: @fannymaillardcw
Model: Ibai Capot Thornary
Assistant Photographer: Alan Billi / instagram: @allian

Brand used are: Aigle, Adidas, Doc Martens, traditional costume from the Basque association « Etxahun elkartea »