Exclusive Mixtape: Kenton Slash Demon

Sounds especially curated for your weekend! This week we have a hypnotic mix from Kenton Slash Demon. Silas Moldenhawer and Jonas Kenton, both children of the early 80´s, grew up alongside each other in the tiny big city of Copenhagen. In their teenage years they discovered electronic music and this led them to start spinning records and producing tracks together. Years later they met two other talented musicians and formed Danish indie-electro outfit, When Saints Go Machine, but still kept building Kenton Slash Demon as a separate project. Now with their imprint WAA Industry, Kenton Slash Demon deliver a kaleidoscope of moods and styles with distinctive organic and futuristic sounds on their Recreation Mix for KALTBLUT Magazine.
Check WAA Industry‘s newest release, XYZ’s debut EP ‘1’ incl. a remix by Kenton Slash Demon Contact