A KALTBLUT exclusive. Photography by Nicola Surbera. Models are Socratis signed at Agency Sophie Models, Teo signed at …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive. Photography by Michele Iacobini. The models are Ylenia and Robert signed at Euphoria Fashion Agency. …...
“(R)EVOLUTION tries to break with the social construct of what is understood as masculinity, thus showing a sweeter …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive. Photographer Trent Pace captured Kye Wall signed at Greg Tyshing Represents for us. Styling by …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive menswear story. Photography by Valentina Adorni. Model is Alexander Arom signed at Marlene Agency. Style …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive editorial. Photography by The Paul Green. Model & Creative Direction by Enriko Davidovs. “This is …...
A KALTBLUT exclusive editorial from Chile. Photography by Noli Provoste. Art Direction and Style by Esteban Pomar. Models …...
It’s summer time! Photographer Noémi Ottilia Szabo captured amazing looking Philipp K. for us. This editorial is very …...